Law Firm Cybersecurity Survival Guide

Resources > Law Firm Cybersecurity Survival Guide

Law Firm Cybersecurity: A guide on everything you need to know to safeguard your firm’s data.

Law firms, possibly more than any other industry, have a mandate to educate themselves on information security and to take every reasonable measure to keep their firm and their clients’ data secure.

Think of all the sensitive data your firm has for its clients:

  • Sensitive financial data
  • Personally identifiable information
  • Family information
  • Health and medical records
  • Intellectual property
  • Trade secrets

And law firms, both big and small, are attractive targets to hackers because of the data they possess.

In this eBook we’ll cover the full spectrum of potential security threats: and what your law firm should do to address each potential risk, a process known in the security world as hardening.

We’ll explore general computing and technology measures to employ, as well as measures to have when moving your law firm to the cloud.