Google Cloud UniSuper Incident Shows Need For Backups

Google Cloud UniSuper Incident Shows Need For Backups (secondary)Imagine waking up to find that your firm’s critical data has vanished overnight.

This nightmare scenario became a reality for many Microsoft Azure users when a DNS outage led to the deletion of their databases. Despite relying on the built-in backup systems of one of the world’s leading cloud providers, businesses found themselves scrambling to recover lost data.

This incident, alongside a recent unprecedented Google Cloud event that wiped out a customer’s entire account, underscores a critical lesson: even the most trusted cloud services can fail.

Relying solely on the built-in backup solutions from major providers like Google and Microsoft is a gamble that no firm can afford to take.

This article explores why third-party backup solutions are indispensable for ensuring data integrity and business continuity, particularly for law firms.

The Microsoft Azure DNS Outage Incident

microsoft azure

In February 2019, Microsoft Azure faced a major issue due to a DNS outage at an external provider, CenturyLink.

This disruption caused Azure’s Key Vault service, which manages encryption keys, to become inaccessible. Consequently, automated scripts mistakenly deleted several databases that relied on these keys.

The immediate impact was significant, causing many businesses to lose access to vital data. While Microsoft did its best to restore the databases using snapshot backups, any data from the five minutes leading up to the outage had to be manually recovered by users.

This incident highlights the limitations of relying solely on built-in cloud backup systems.

For law firms, this event serves as a crucial reminder of the potential risks. A single point of failure, like a DNS provider, can lead to a chain reaction resulting in data loss and downtime.

Therefore, having a robust, multi-layered backup strategy is essential. Third-party backup solutions provide an additional layer of security, ensuring that your critical data remains safe and accessible, even when unexpected disruptions occur.


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Everyday Risks of Built-In Backups

While catastrophic events like the Microsoft Azure DNS outage grab headlines, everyday data loss is a far more common occurrence.

Accidental deletions, software glitches, and human error can all result in critical data being lost or corrupted. For law firms, where every document and piece of information is vital, these everyday risks can have serious consequences.

Many firms rely on the built-in backup solutions provided by major cloud services like Microsoft and Google.

However, these solutions often fall short. Built-in backups are usually designed for basic recovery and may not cover all scenarios. For instance, they might not provide granular restore options or long-term retention, which are crucial for meeting legal and compliance requirements.

Here are some other risks associated with relying solely on built-in backups:

  • Accidental Deletions: Users may inadvertently delete important files or documents.
  • Software Glitches: Bugs in software can lead to data corruption or loss.
  • Human Error: Simple mistakes, such as overwriting files, can result in data loss.
  • Ransomware Attacks: Built-in backups may be insufficient against sophisticated cyber threats.
  • Insufficient Retention Policies: Default retention periods may not meet legal or compliance requirements.
  • Incomplete Backups: Critical data might be missed during backup processes.

These risks underscore the necessity for law firms to consider more reliable backup strategies. As we saw with the Microsoft Azure incident, even built-in backups from leading providers can fail in unforeseen ways, leaving businesses scrambling to recover lost data.

By understanding these everyday risks, law firms can better appreciate the importance of comprehensive backup solutions that go beyond what is offered by primary cloud providers. This ensures that your firm’s data is protected against both high-profile incidents and common daily threats.

At Uptime Practice Next, we frequently encounter situations where data has been accidentally deleted or corrupted. Our ability to restore this data quickly and efficiently is only possible because of our robust third-party backup solutions.

The Google Cloud Incident

Google Cloud

In yet another incident, which occurred on May 2024, Google Cloud experienced a severe and unprecedented incident where an inadvertent misconfiguration led to the deletion of UniSuper’s entire cloud account, including all backups.

UniSuper, an Australian pension fund managing $135 billion, found its data wiped out across multiple regions due to this error.

The incident began with a simple provisioning mistake but quickly escalated into a full-blown data loss catastrophe. Despite Google Cloud’s built-in safeguards, the deletion affected not just the primary data but also all redundant backups stored within their system. This comprehensive failure left UniSuper scrambling to restore services, highlighting the fragility of relying solely on built-in backup solutions.

UniSuper’s experience underscores a crucial lesson: even the most reliable cloud providers can encounter catastrophic failures. The incident serves as a stark reminder that no system is infallible, and the consequences of such failures can be dire. Law firms, which handle sensitive and mission-critical data, cannot afford to risk such vulnerabilities.

This incident, alongside the Microsoft Azure DNS outage, illustrates the need for law firms to adopt more robust and independent backup strategies. Relying solely on the built-in backups of major cloud providers is a gamble that can lead to significant data loss and operational downtime. These high-profile failures demonstrate that third-party backup solutions are not just beneficial but essential for ensuring data integrity and business continuity.

In the next section, we will explore why specific reasons for why third-party backups are crucial for protecting your firm’s data and maintaining uninterrupted operations.


Why Your Firm Needs Third-Party Backups

High-profile incidents, such as the Microsoft Azure DNS outage and the Google Cloud account deletion, have demonstrated that even the most trusted providers can fail in unexpected and catastrophic ways.

These failures underscore the importance of implementing third-party backup solutions, which offer enhanced reliability, greater security, and comprehensive recovery options that built-in systems simply cannot match.

Here’s why third-party backups are indispensable for protecting your firm’s data and ensuring business continuity:

Enhanced Reliability

Third-party backups provide an additional layer of security, ensuring that data is protected even if the primary cloud provider fails.

They offer redundancy that can save your firm from catastrophic data loss.

Independence from Primary Providers

Relying solely on built-in backups ties your data security to the primary cloud provider’s infrastructure.

Third-party solutions operate independently, reducing the risk of a single point of failure.

Comprehensive Backup Options

Third-party providers offer more extensive backup features, including full-system backups, application-aware backups, and frequent backup schedules.

This means your data is always up-to-date and recoverable.

Granular Recovery

Allows for the restoration of specific files or data points rather than entire databases or systems.

This minimizes downtime and ensures continuity in case of data loss.

Extended Retention

Ensures data is available for longer periods, which is essential for meeting compliance and legal discovery requirements.

Third-party solutions often offer customizable retention policies.

Improved Compliance

Helps law firms meet various legal and regulatory requirements by providing detailed logging, reporting, and audit trails.

This ensures that firms can demonstrate compliance in the event of an audit.

Advanced Security Measures

Third-party solutions often include enhanced encryption, multi-factor authentication, and other advanced security protocols to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

Automated and Simplified Recovery

Streamlines the recovery process with automated tools that simplify the restoration of data, reducing the time and effort required to recover from data loss incidents.

Implementing third-party backup solutions is not just an added precaution; it is a necessary step to ensure the security and integrity of your firm’s data.

By diversifying your backup strategies and incorporating third-party solutions, you can safeguard against both everyday risks and high-profile incidents, ensuring that your firm remains resilient and operational under any circumstance.

What to Look for in 3rd-Party Backup Solutions

When choosing third-party backup solutions for your law firm, it’s essential to select one that meets the unique needs of the legal industry.

Here are key features to consider:

Legal and Compliance Requirements

Ensure the solution provides detailed logging, reporting, and audit trails to meet regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.

Compliance with these regulations is critical to avoid legal penalties and maintain the integrity of sensitive client information. A good third-party backup solution will offer tools that help track and document data handling practices, ensuring all legal standards are met.

Client Trust and Confidentiality

Look for solutions that offer robust security features to protect sensitive client data and ensure quick restoration in case of data loss.

Trust is the cornerstone of client relationships in law firms, and maintaining confidentiality is paramount. Advanced encryption, secure data storage, and rapid recovery capabilities help ensure that client data is always protected and accessible when needed.

Business Continuity and Unlimited Support

Choose a provider that guarantees swift data recovery to minimize downtime. Unlimited help desk support from legal and IT experts can help resolve issues promptly, ensuring smooth operations.

Reliable support is crucial in times of crisis, ensuring that any disruptions are quickly addressed and that the firm can continue to function without significant interruptions.

Protection Against Cyber Threats

The solution should include advanced security measures like multi-factor authentication, email encryption, and compliant backups to defend against cyberattacks and unauthorized access.

Law firms are attractive targets for cybercriminals due to the sensitive nature of their data. Robust security measures are essential to protect against these threats and ensure the integrity of client information.

Scalability and Flexibility

Opt for a solution that can scale with your firm’s growth and adapt to evolving data requirements, ensuring long-term data protection.

As law firms expand and their data needs evolve, it’s important that their backup solutions can accommodate increasing volumes of data and changing compliance requirements. A scalable solution ensures that data protection measures grow with the firm.

Proactive Desktop Management

Select a provider that offers proactive PC management, including monitoring, Windows updates, and antivirus protection, to prevent potential problems before they affect your operations.

Proactive management helps identify and address issues before they become significant problems, ensuring that desktops and other devices remain secure and operational.

Backups & Disaster Recovery

Ensure the solution offers secure, compliant backups for services like Microsoft 365, and has robust disaster recovery capabilities to maintain business continuity.

In the event of a disaster, having a reliable backup and recovery solution in place ensures that data can be quickly restored, minimizing downtime and maintaining the firm’s operations.

By prioritizing these features, law firms can ensure their data is well-protected, regulatory requirements are met, and business operations remain uninterrupted.

With the right third-party backup solution, firms can safeguard their critical information against both everyday risks and high-profile incidents. At Uptime Practice, we have prioritized these qualities to provide optimal service to our clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Law firms deal with sensitive data requiring robust protection against loss and breaches. Third-party backups offer enhanced security, compliance, and reliability beyond built-in cloud backups.

They provide advanced security features like multi-factor authentication, encryption, and independent storage, reducing the risk of breaches and ensuring data integrity.

Third-party backups offer detailed logging, reporting, and audit trails to meet regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA, ensuring full compliance.

They provide swift data recovery and continuous access to critical information, minimizing downtime and allowing firms to maintain operations without significant disruption.

Proactive management includes monitoring, updates, and antivirus protection, preventing issues before they impact operations and ensuring a secure computing environment.

Yes, they offer enhanced security measures and quick data restoration, providing a reliable defense against ransomware and other cyber threats.

These solutions grow with the firm, accommodating increasing data volumes and evolving compliance requirements, ensuring long-term data protection.

Unlimited help desk support from legal and IT experts ensures prompt resolution of technical issues, enhancing productivity and allowing firms to focus on core activities.

Third-party backups offer more comprehensive and customizable features, such as granular recovery options and extended retention periods, often lacking in built-in backups.

Firms should seek solutions with robust security, compliance features, scalable storage options, proactive management, and reliable support to ensure data is always protected and accessible.

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Practice Next is a suite of Managed IT, Legal Software Support, and Cloud Essentials, made just for law firms.

  • Practice Next is a suite managed IT, technology essentials and legal software support.

  • Practice Next includes unlimited IT and legal software support, Microsoft 365, legal-centric cloud storage and more.

  • Practice Next pairs great with cloud-based legal software such as Clio Manage, CosmoLex, MyCase and more.

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  • With Practice Go, we effectively turn your desktop/server- based legal software into a cloud application (a Published App), freeing your firm from the limitations of traditional software.
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  • Practice Foundation is an end-to-end cloud platform that will host all of your firm's applications and documents, and will optionally include Office 365 + unlimited IT support. Everyone in your firm logs into a Virtual Desktop where they'll find all of their apps and docs.

  • Practice Foundation works with PCLaw, Time Matters, Tabs3, ProLaw, Juris, QuickBooks, Timeslips, TrialWorks, Adobe Acrobat and more.

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